Preparing your household goods for ocean shipment is a crucial and very detailed process. A quality pack, using high quality materials and properly loading/securing your goods for ocean shipment are the ingredients for a successful transit. We offer varying levels of container service that include professional in-house labor for packing and loading of the goods you can’t live without including furniture, safes, large tool boxes, vehicles and more. If finances permit, we always encourage you to upgrade to our Preferred, Preferred-Plus or Full Service levels. Read more about our levels of service (here) and (here).
We also offer helpful tutorials for customers who move under our “DIY” level of service. We highly recommend watching the provided tutorials prior to shipment, as well as connecting with one of our in-house Load Masters. When shipping DIY, you will have 24/7 access to your assigned Load Master by phone to provide you with tips and instructions. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.